Friday, March 30, 2012


Dreams are such a hotbed for inspiration. There are no rules in dream world, except the ones you create on-the-fly.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lizard Moon

I take lots of pictures of lizards. Our property is full of them. The cats bring them in live and I rescue them and toss them outside. They live on my porch and are great subjects to photograph.

Window, Cat and Lizard

I'm just coming out of a phase where I couldn't seem to gather up enough steam to finish a piece of art, and sometimes it was even hard to start a project. Sometimes we just lose our mojo. I happened to pick up a copy of a magazine that featured digital collages, and I suddenly became inspired. I'd been wanting to play around with collage, but I had this gnawing feeling that as soon as I glued something down, I'd wished I'd put it somewhere else. Ah, the magic of computers.

So, I am really having fun with this. I have an old Tiger-powered Mac that is choking on the large files, and I have Adobe's CS2 suite to work with. Mostly, I'm in Photoshop. I have photos galore in the form of old family photos, slides from the seventies, digital pictures on my computer, and my trusty Canon for instant gratification. I also have my iPhone that I take on my walks. My challenge right now is to use only my own original images.

The cat peering over the building is my late kitty Kosmo. The lady in the window is my Great-Aunt Nell, taken from a family photo.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Butterfly Girl

The little girl in the picture is from a photo taken of me when I was six. There was something in it that inspired me to give her/me butterfly wings. I'll probably re-use this one a lot, as she still lives inside of me.
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